Thursday, March 27, 2014

Four weeks old

Today was the first day Grace and I went out together on our own.  We went to the Doctors for her one month check up and to the grocery store which she slept through.

Grace is now 8lbs, and 20 1/2 inches, so in the last 19 days she's gained 1lb 1oz and an inch and a half in length.
She's about 15th percentile weight wise and 30th height.  The Doctor showed me her growth chart and she's on a very even growth line.  He's very pleased.
He did three reflex exercises.  The first was he held her up in a standing position to see if she would try to take some steps.  She did, including one large one that he was impressed by.  The second was what he called "the butt reflex", to see if she'd move her hips which she did.  The third one he suspended her in the air on her tummy, but I can't recall what that was supposed to do, but she did it.
He checked eyes for movement, including shining a light with the lights out.  Checked ears and mouth.
The shape of her head is completely fine, her heart and lungs are good, her colour is good, no jaundice, and she doesn't have too much infant acne.
He said based on flecks in her eyes they will likely stay blue, and he is most impressed by the amount of hair she has.
Checked her hip joints and squeezed her tummy to check for excessive gassiness, hernias or enlarged organs.  No problems.  No infections of any kind.
He was also impressed by her ability to lift her head up, but she's been able to do that since birth.  Strong neck.  (She is super strong in her arms and legs too, she often pushes herself up out of my lap, I need to keep a good grip on her).
Asked about her sleep, feeding and diaper schedules and mentioned he was impressed I looked as awake as I did.
Bottom line is there isn't a thing wrong with her, she's doing everything she should on schedule and is in perfect health.  Told us not to change a thing. 

She is a wonderful girl.  She eats well, sleeps well, I do get a reasonable amount of sleep considering, she generally does have a 4-5 hour stretch of sleep at night which is great.
I've been able to shower every day, get dinner on, laundry done.  The floor needs vacuuming desperately but can't do it all!  Looking forward to getting that dishwasher replaced finally on Saturday as doing the dishes by hand is rather time consuming.
Loving my time with her.  She's such a cutie!

Not looking forward to next month's appointment.  Vaccination time.  She will not be happy with Mommy!

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